We spent this past Sunday filming inside my high school for a few scenes in the video. I wrote this song to talk about a way to battle bullying... by being KIND to people.
Some of the lyrics are:

To the ground
It's like nobody cares
She's thinking to herself
"Is anybody out there"
Outcast, no friends
Can she make it through
Just another day alone
No one to talk to
(so whatcha gonna do)
You can keep on walkin
Leave her to herself
It's not your problem anyway
(watcha gonna do)
You need to level out your pride
You should be ONE OF THE KIND
Everybody needs someone to talk to, talk to
Why can't it be you?
(you should be one of the kind)
Everybody needs someone to hear them, to see them, to free them
One of the kind
I know that the hardest part of bullying against me has been the mean rumors, insults, and groups of guys making fun of me for being a singer. BLOCKED calls to my cell phone with guys calling me bad names or calling me a GIRL because I choose to sing. Threats to be beat up and being made fun of for having a standard of purity until marriage has all been difficult. Some people find it hard to believe I've been bullied because they think that if you can do something like singing or playing sports, that you must not have to deal with it. But I've learned that anyone can be a target of bullying. I'm not talking about goofing around insults between friends. I mean finding out that you're being laughed at by both guys and girls who are supposed to be your friends, but would rather say mean things to me and about me when I'm not around. It can be lonely and hard.
I do have a relationship with God and that has helped me overcome a lot of the tough times. I also have great parents and cousins who are my best friends, so it has helped me to not feel so alone.
This song hopefully will help all of us know how important it is to be KIND to others and if we ALL choose to be KIND, then we can be "ONE OF THE KIND".
We continue filming this coming weekend and hope to have the video released on my youtube channel by December 15.
If you have a story about being bullied, please send me an email and I'd love to talk to you about it.