Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Hey guys!

Sometimes I am entered into competitions where I need a lot of fan support / votes to help me to place or win.

In the past two years I have been nominated for Best Pop Artist for the AI Music Awards Show in Hollywood, CA. I've also been included in the Stars of Tomorrow radio show Top 5 and Top 10 artist each month. These are just a few contests where fan votes really make a difference in if I win or not.

Well, right now I'm in a contest on and I need to be able to finish in the top 3 to win, and hopefully in first.

Voting goes until like the end of April 2013, so I really need your help.

If I win this contest, I will be featured live in concert in Nashville for two nights and also be featured on Nashville Now TV show for like a month as a featured 1/2 hour show.

I've been in first place several times, but I think the other artists on the site have fans that are also trying to help them win.

Here's what I need you to do:

  1. Please register as a FAN on the site
  2. Once you're registered, go to the contest page
  3. Find my profile photo and click on it
  4. Rate my INTRO video using the number scale below the video (1-10)
  5. Then you'll see my other music videos on the right side of the page
  6. Click each of the remaining videos and use the sliders to the right of the video to vote for my videos. Each slider can go up to 100.
  7. Become a fan of me on there
  8. Once you are done voting for my videos, you can then go vote for other artists.
  9. Remember, the higher the vote rating for me, the better. While you're there, vote for others too.
  10. Tell all your friends to please register and vote for me too.
  11. You can only vote 1 time per registration. You can't vote many times a day or even once a day. Just one time per registration.
I will find out on May 3 if I have won.

Please help me win!!!

#KANEiacs #KaneTrain

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Ok guys (and girls). So I'm going to be doing some pretty cool things in the coming weeks that will make being a KANEiac on the KaneTrain even cooler.

First of all, many of you have been logging in to watch me on Younow as I broadcast and talk and sing for viewers. This has been so much fun. I actually really like connecting with you guys and am having fun doing it.

For those of you that haven't been able to log in to watch live, here's a link to a broadcast that I did. I basically read the chat box for viewer comments and questions and then just do my "thang".

Be careful, it's pretty goofy and you might end up thinking I'm a little cray cray. LOL

But something else that's really cool that will be happening soon.

  • I'm going to be having a weekly radio show where you can tune in and listen or watch online
  • I'm going to be having some pretty cool contests coming up where you can win cool prizes
  • I'm going to be performing at some cool locations in the coming three months (YAY)
  • I'm going to be launching a whole new way to communicate with the SPENCER KANE MUSIC team using TEXTING on your phone (this is the coolest thing I can't wait to share)
  • I'm also going to be recording a lot more covers for my Youtube channel
So there, this is just some cool updates that I thought you guys may want to know.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


I know I talk about it a lot, but it's probably because it comes up a lot. Bullying is so much a part of what I see and hear about that it is just something that seems to never go away.

I get emails and messages from fans every week that talk about their experience with bullying. A lot of them talk about being bullied and the things they do to cope with it.

I look at my situation of being bullied in the past and find that my experiences were hard at the time, but not as serious as some of the one's I read about. It doesn't mean that what I went through wasn't real or being bullied, but it's like what my fans share is sometimes life threatening stuff.

I've been skyping into classrooms lately and hearing what students are doing to prevent bullying and I think it's just awesome to see so many inspired to make a difference.

I would love to hear stories of how my fans have prevented bullying with the actions they took to stand up for someone, or to be a part of a local bullying prevention campaign. Maybe even to hear about how sharing my music has encouraged them or someone else to stand against bullying.

Probably the worst bullying I see over and over again is what I call "SELF BULLYING". It's where someone starts saying bad things about themselves. Things like "I'm ugly. I'm dumb. Nobody likes me." Those things are what a bully would say to you and I read a lot of messages and emails where fans actually say that about themselves. I want you to know that it is actually the same as if you're being a bully. You're just choosing to say those mean things to yourself instead of someone else.

Bullying prevention starts with you choosing to not participate in bullying in any way, either as a bully, or someone who stands by while a bully is being mean to someone... or even calling yourself mean things because you think they are true.

I believe kindness is the answer to bullying. Be kind to others and yourself and you'll begin to see a big difference in your life.

Let me know what acts of kindness you're doing in your school, home, or community.